In 2006, history buffs and baseball lovers united to form the Lockport Sleepers, a vintage base ball team. In 2011 players from the Sleepers created the Lemont Quarrymen. This club, ranging in age from 14-74, showcases the way base ball was played in 1858. At matches, the Quarrymen tend their bases and scout the outfield without mitts, always hoping that the “onion” is knocked their way. While at bat, the ballists strike with their willows to knock the “apple out of the orchard” or “cut some daisies” in order to tally more aces than their opponents. For these Quarrymen winning is nice, but its pursuit never dims their gentlemanly characters.

Feel like playing baseball for the love of the game like you did when you were a kid? The Quarrymen are looking for players, umpires, scorekeepers, photographers and fans. Enjoy baseball according to the rules used 1858. Email our manager Jeff Turnbull at if you would like more information about joining the team. You can see more photos and updates of the team on our Facebook page.